Yep, mom's back and my sister too! They say that RV's are made for two & indeed I think that is true. Dog & I make two and we are quite comfy with that. Add in mom and it gets a little interesting, add my sister with her hair towels, multi-sized curling iron, blow dryer contraptions, make up bags and the fun begins! Hair towels & curling irons .. we are camping for pete's sake! Of course, I don't use those things when I am not camping and my sister is certainly much more pleasant too look at after she has done her morning beautifying ritual, so I guess I shouldn't complain.
The truth is, it's nice to have company .. for a while. Visiting friends and family shake up the full-time rving routine and make life more exciting. While I don't care to sleep on the pull-out couch forever or fight with 6 towels hanging over the tiny shower and makeup cases stacked on the sink everyday, the laughs created by 3 very different people trying to maneuver in one small space is priceless. It kind of reminds me of the 'good ole days' growing up.
Of course, 6 people plus assorted friends and relatives in a small 1 bathroom home didn't seem fun at the time, but looking back it did create a lot of fond memories and a bond that has not been shaken. We spent a lot of time at my cousins 3 room house. They had four kids in 1 room smaller than my RV. Their room had two sets of bunkbeds across from each other. There was a narrow space to walk through between the beds. The entire room had the two beds and 1 stand up dresser. When we stayed there, we doubled up kids in each bunk and we had a blast diving across from 1 set of beds to the other and doing the whole 'goodnight John boy' thing.
By todays standards, I guess we would have been considered poor. No big box home with our own potty, tv or anything else. It never crossed our minds that we were poor. We were rich in our relationships and that filled something in our lives that money can't come close to buying.
I am not sure how 'the wealth' of Americans and giving our kids 'a better life than we had' really is working out for our youth. I do know, however, that sometimes the best memories in life are born in small spaces.